By Francis Kornegay South Africa and the African Union (AU) have ended up internationally isolated on the issue of a post-Gaddafi Libya. This predicament was accentuated by Russia’s recognition of the Libyan National Transitional Council (NTC) on the eve of the Paris “Friends of Libya” summit at the beginning of September. China as well as Russia was present at this new Libyan creation of great and emerging powers, including the Arab League, but boycotted by South Africa and the AU. The ramifications of this mutual alienation between Libya’s new rulers and the AU, led by South Africa, could be far-reaching. It could include Libya’s exit from the AU along with Morocco and tensions between them both and Algeria (which was also present in Paris). This could further complicate North Africa’s relationship with the rest of the continent and the European Union’s bifurcated policy toward Africa: the Maghreb on the one hand via the EU-Mediterranean Partnership; sub-Saharan Africa on the othe...
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