ANC Youth League president Julius Malema said last night he would not be distracted by the disciplinary hearing against him from the fight for economic freedom.
He also dispelled the notion that he was against white people, saying he would defend whites the same way he would do blacks.
"White people are our fellow South Africans. We must always assure them that this country also belongs to them the same way it belongs to us. The struggle is not about white genocide," he said at the OR Tambo Memorial Lecture at the University of Limpopo's Turfloop campus.
Malema said that when the youth of Tambo's era took up arms to fight the apartheid regime, they were never taken through disciplinary hearings and that it was a surprise that the culture of the organisation was changing.
He said that the struggle was about making sure that the wealth of this country was shared by all who lived in it. "The disciplinary action against me will never distract me from fighting for the nationalisation of the mines. Ours is a fight for economic freedom."
Referring to the disbanding of the league's leadership in KwaZulu-Natal, he said those who showed disrespect to the organisation would be dealt with.
Um contingente policial fortemente armado e acompanhado de cães farejadores invadiu o bairro da Coop, cidade de Maputo, na tarde de ontem, à procura de vendedores de droga. A rusga policial incidiu sobre uma zona vulgarmente conhecida por “Colômbia”, que tem um histórico de venda e consumo de drogas. Fala-se de dezenas de agentes da polícia de choque que entravam de casa em casa, na tentativa de encontrar o que justificasse aquela operação que durou cerca de duas horas. “Entraram no meu quarto, vasculharam de qualquer maneira e deixaram as minhas coisas no chão. Os meus netos estavam a almoçar. Deitaram a comida e aqueles cães começaram a cheirar a comida”, descreveu Fátima Matono, dona de uma das casas invadidas.
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