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A mostrar mensagens de janeiro 18, 2013

Russia's Bolshoi Ballet director may lose sight after acid attack

Doctors are fighting to save the sight of the artistic director of Russia's illustrious Bolshoi Ballet after a masked assailant threw acid in his face on a Moscow street, state media reported. Sergei Filin, 43, was approaching his home around midnight Thursday when the unidentified attacker flung the concentrated acid at him, causing severe burns to his face, the state-run news agency RIA Novosti reported Friday. It could take Filin at least six months to recover from the third-degree burns to his face and eyes, RIA Novosti cited Yekaterina Novikova, a Bolshoi spokeswoman, as saying. Filin took up the key role at the world-renowned ballet company in 2011, after three years directing Moscow's Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko Music Theater. There was "fierce rivalry" for the Bolshoi position at the time, according to RIA Novosti. The agency reported that Filin had suffered months of intimidation, including threatening phone calls and the slashing of his car tires...

'Mona Lisa' image goes to moon and back, in successful NASA experiment

The "Mona Lisa" has been to the moon and back -- or at least a digital image of her. The famous face was used in an experiment and carried in a laser beam to a man-made satellite orbiting the moon, NASA said Thursday. The successful transmission is a significant achievement -- which Renaissance painter Leonardo da Vinci would have surely appreciated -- because it marks "the first time anyone has achieved one-way laser communication at planetary distances," said principal investigator David Smith of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. By using lasers, NASA is now on the verge of revolutionizing and speeding up delivery of data now dispatched from outer space and all around the solar system, the agency said. Laser technology is used in CDs that have made albums obsolete, and now it holds the promise of bringing live, high-definition video feeds from far reaches of the solar system, including Jupiter, NASA said. "In the near future, this type of simple lase...

Lance Armstrong admits using performance-enhancing drugs

After years of tenacious spin that he was innocent, Lance Armstrong has backpedaled in a confessional interview with Oprah Winfrey. He admitted unequivocally to using performance-enhancing drugs in his seven Tour de France wins. But his critics say he is still spinning the story. Armstrong has, in the past, persistently and angrily denied those allegations -- even under oath. And he has persecuted former close associates who went public against him. "We sued so many people," Armstrong told Winfrey -- people who were telling the truth. Questions for Armstrong Did he use the blood-enhancing hormone EPO? Testosterone? Cortisone? Human growth hormone? Illegal blood transfusions and other blood doping? Armstrong answered "yes" on all counts in the first installment of a two-part interview that aired Thursday night. Part two airs Friday on Winfrey's OWN channel and online. The disgraced cyclist, who has been stripped of his Tour de France titles and an Olympic bro...

Casamento gay agita a França

As linhas desta polémica estão definidas: os defensores de uma família tradiocional, pai-mãe, contra as famílias monoparenteais, ou compostas por pares do mesmo sexo. Sucedem-se os protestos contra o casamento homossexual, em França. O presidente, François Holland deu um passdo atrás, deixando a decisão, para os presidentes de câmara. Iniocialmente, tinha desenvolvido pol~iticas que respondessem às alterações demográficas, como tem acontecido, noutros países europeus. Mas em alguns países, como a França e a Espanha, estalou a controvérsia, à volta do casamento gaz, com todos os seus direitos. Não há muitas estatíticas sobre o assunto. Mas um terço das crianças europeias são extra-matrimoniais. Este número duplicou, em 20 anos. Será que a legislação europeia e as políticas públicas acompanham as mudanças sociais, permitindo que as pessoas possam viver juntas, independentemente do sexo, e que possam ter filhos? E que efeito terá tudo isto, nas novas gerações? Discutimos o assunto...

Mais três supostos raptores apresentados pela Polícia

Os três jovens são acusados de terem raptado quatro empresários moçambicanos de origem asiática. Da lista das vítimas consta o dono da padaria Lofões e o proprietário da Jomofi Construções. A Polícia da República de Moçambique (PRM) apresentou, ontem, três indivíduos acusados de terem raptado quatro empresários moçambicanos de origem asiática. Dos raptados, constam o proprietário da padaria Lofões e o dono da Jomofi Construções. Os supostos raptores foram encontrados na posse de 52 mil dólares americanos e uma arma de fogo. O acto da sua apresentação foi dirigido pelo porta-voz da polícia a nível do Comando-Geral, Pedro Cossa, e teve lugar no Comando da Cidade, onde os presumíveis criminosos se encontram detidos. Além dos supostos criminosos, a polícia apresentou as casas onde os três jovens mantinham em cativeiro as suas vítimas. Uma delas está localizada no bairro 25 de Junho; a segunda está no bairro de Magoanine; e outra no Laulane, todas na cidade de Maputo. A polícia diz que o...